Franco Lopez III Registered Dietitian and Diabetes Specialist

Restore Your Metabolic Health & Achieve Type II & Pre-Diabetes Remission

Work directly with a registered dietitian to understand your metabolism and blood sugars, find the foods that work for you, and get easy-to-follow meal plans

  • Feeling the impact of extra weight on your energy?

  • Dealing with prediabetes, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, or other health concerns?

Then discover our comprehensive programs, offering the potential to significantly improve, or even reverse, these conditions for a healthier you.

Franco Lopez III Dietitian / Nutritionist & Certified Diabetes management and Education Specialist

Led by Registered Dietitian / Nutritionist & Certified Diabetes and Education Specialist with 12 Years’ Experience.

Transformative Path Ahead:

Within three months, you can get your blood sugars under control, lower or get off your medications, stop suffering the side effects, and get your life back.

Tailored Nutrition Plans by a Registered Dietitian for Diabetes Management & Optimized Metabolic Health

Explore our tailored approach for effective diabetes management and renewed energy.

Individualized Nutrition Plans:

At Veteran’s Vanguard, we recognize the importance of individualized care in managing diabetes.
Led by a registered dietitian, through advanced glucose measuring devices, we assess blood sugar
responses to foods and situations. This data guides our specialized metabolic registered dietitian expert in crafting personalized eating plans to suit your specific needs and optimize your life.

Low and Slow Eating Plan:

Experience the power of our innovative “tailored low and slow eating plan.” This approach optimizes your metabolism by managing blood sugar levels, promoting weight management, and fostering well-being.

Comprehensive Wellness:

We understand that health is more than just physical. Our programs encompass mental resilience, emotional balance, and physical vitality, providing you with a holistic toolkit for a thriving life.

Group Classes and Virtual Programs:

Stay tuned for our upcoming diabetes management group classes and elf-paced virtual programs. These offerings will provide interactive learning and support, making it easier to embark on your wellness journey.

Bilingual Appointments:

We proudly offer appointments in Spanish to ensure inclusivity and accessibility for all.

Weight Management Support:

Are you looking to shed extra pounds? Our protein-powered starter kits are designed to assist those seeking weight loss, whether with or without medication assistance.

Franco Lopez III

Meet Franco:

Franco’s personal mission

As the founder of Veterans’ Vanguard, husband, and father of two, Franco’s personal journey of overcoming metabolic challenges and diverse experiences drives the core of the organization’s mission. As a registered dietitian, he is committed to empowering individuals to remodel their metabolic health and improve their quality of life.

Through evidence-based practices and
innovative nutrition, Veterans’ Vanguard guides its community on a path to optimized health, transforming lives physically, mentally, and emotionally.

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Certifications and Partners

Registered Dietitian/ Nutritionist & Certified Diabetes and Education Specialist.

Features and Benefits:

  • Ignite Your Energy – Transform Your Life!

  • Regain Energy: Conquer fatigue, embrace invigoration.

  • Empowerment: Tools for health promotion.

  • Personalized Guidance: Tailored solutions for you.

  • Stress Relief: Combat stress and gain clarity.

  • Hormonal Harmony: Balance for sustained vitality.

  • Nutrition Mastery: Fuel sustainably for optimal wellness.

  • Community Support: Connect with like minds.

  • Flexibility: Wellness your way, your time.

  • Expert Direction Led by a Registered Dietitian: Evidence-based, accomplished knowledge.

  • Inspiring Transformation: You transform and inspire all.

Nutrition & Diabetes Programs

Learn more about our nutrition and diabetes services in detail.

BreakThrough Session: Kick Start Your Health Journey

Kickstart your path to optimal health with our 45-minute Breakthrough Call. Connect with our experienced dietitian to:

  • 1. Define Your Aspirations:
    Clarify your health goals, metabolic challenges, and vision for wellness.

  • 2. Uncover Obstacles:
    Explore the hurdles currently affecting your metabolic health.

  • 3. Assess Compatibility:
    Determine if we’re the right fit for your unique wellness needs.

  • 4. Tailored Service Introduction:
    Discover customized solutions, from individual sessions to comprehensive virtual programs.

  • 5. Engage in Dialogue:
    Ask questions about our programs and methodology.

Comprehensive Individual Nutrition Session: Tailored to your needs

  • Under the guidance of an experienced registered dietitian, members can expect a thorough 90-minute session focused on their health and well-being.

  • This session involves a detailed assessment to understand individual health goals, challenges, and aspirations.

  • Members will receive personalized nutrient recommendations, custom meal plans, nutrition supplement guides, exercise recommendations, and stress reduction techniques tailored to their lifestyle and preferences.

Blood Glucose Optimization Mastery

  • Blood Glucose Optimization Mastery offers a highly personalized and comprehensive approach to wellness. The program initiates with a thorough 2-hour initial consultation, providing a strong foundation for your wellness journey.

  • Subsequently, participants engage in 45-minute individual sessions.

  • The program extends its support beyond these sessions with ongoing access to email and text support.

  • Participants also benefit from action worksheets to track their progress and receive regular accountability check-ins.

  • The program includes a personalized menu and recipe recommendations aligned with dietary preferences and expert guidance on wellness supplements.

We offer a discount to all of our services to all military veterans, first responders, and healthcare professionals.

What Our Customers Are Saying

We appreciate all your support and reviews.
Let others know how happy you are by giving us a good rating.

This program has changed my life for the better.

“This program has changed my life for the better. I not only learned how to eat to prevent diabetes, but the class helped me change my relationship with food. I learned a lot about keeping active and why it is necessary. Everything I do in regard to eating has changed. I feel like I have changed permanently.”

This class had a great impact on my life

“This class had a great impact on my life, helping me change the way I eat to improve my health and prevent diabetes.”

This class has impacted my life

“This class has impacted my life by helping me be aware of what I put in my mouth , healthy ways to cook, and identifying what foods make my blood sugar go up.

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