Services and Programs

Our Nutrition & Diabetes Programs

Learn about our dietary consultation services in detail.
Find the one that fits your needs.

BreakThrough Session: Kick Start Your Health Journey

Kickstart your path to optimal health with our 45-minute Breakthrough Call. Connect with our experienced dietitian to:

  • 1. Define Your Aspirations:
    Clarify your health goals, metabolic challenges, and vision for wellness.

  • 2. Uncover Obstacles:
    Explore the hurdles currently affecting your metabolic health.

  • 3. Assess Compatibility:
    Determine if we’re the right fit for your unique wellness needs.

  • 4. Tailored Service Introduction:
    Discover customized solutions, from individual sessions to comprehensive virtual programs.

  • 5. Engage in Dialogue:
    Ask questions about our programs and methodology.

Comprehensive Individual Nutrition Session: Tailored to your needs

  • Under the guidance of an experienced registered dietitian, members can expect a thorough 90-minute session focused on their health and well-being.

  • This session involves a detailed assessment to understand individual health goals, challenges, and aspirations.

  • Members will receive personalized nutrient recommendations, custom meal plans, nutrition supplement guides, exercise recommendations, and stress reduction techniques tailored to their lifestyle and preferences.

Blood Glucose Optimization Mastery

  • Blood Glucose Optimization Mastery offers a highly personalized and comprehensive approach to wellness. The program initiates with a thorough 2-hour initial consultation, providing a strong foundation for your wellness journey.

  • Subsequently, participants engage in 45-minute individual sessions.

  • The program extends its support beyond these sessions with ongoing access to email and text support.

  • Participants also benefit from action worksheets to track their progress and receive regular accountability check-ins.

  • The program includes a personalized menu and recipe recommendations aligned with dietary preferences and expert guidance on wellness supplements.